Guía para comprar y elegir tu primera Blythe y no quebrar en el intento. Una guía para latinoamericanas <3

Hi friends! This post goes in Spanish for there are many guides to help you get your first Blythe (or any other doll) around the web. If you’re interested in a translation, ask for it, I might do it just for you 😉

Esto lo escribí para el grupo hace años y lo voy a pegar acá porque me parece bueno compartirlo mucho.

En vista que muchas personas me han preguntado cómo comprar, dónde, a quién, cuál es el precio justo, etc, les comparto esto para que lo puedan ocupar de referencia. De momento pondré precios y en qué fijarse cuando compramos Blythe, dado que es el mercado en que me muevo mejor. Más adelante pondremos referencias para BJD, Pullips, Recast y todas las muñecas que quieran (agradeceremos sus aportes).

Los valores estarán expresados en dólares y algunas referencias a pesos chilenos (USD$1 = CLP$500) así las chicas de otros países pueden sacar sus cálculos.

Los envíos referenciales están expresados para el mercado chileno, no tengo referencias de valores de envío a otros países pero si quieren pueden aportar con eso en los comentarios y lo agregamos luego 🙂

Bueno, comprar tu primera muñeca a veces puede ser un acto impulsivo, debido a nuestra poca información cuando compramos por primera vez y las ansias de tener una muñeca lo más pronto posible. Esto combinado a veces nos hace presa fácil de personajes que se pueden aprovechar de las circunstancias y cobrarnos de más.

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Blythe on TV ads!

Have you seen that Barbie has a lot of pretend “I can be” careers but when on TV she’s always being sold and not selling something else to you? With the exception of her movies and Pixar’s Toy Story, she’s never the star.

BTW, Hey Pixar guys! You should give a Blythe to Andy’s sister. It might be a very fun addition to the group. Or maybe to Bonnie’s mom XD …

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New Eyelids for Cupcake

So, I finally decided it was about time for Cupcake to have her definitive makeup. I re-did her eyelids and after a lot of thinking i went for a mint green, with a glossy finish. It suits her perfectly because I didn’t want a monochromatic pink girl (yet). She looks so sweet and thanks to mint I’m starting to like colour green. Not that I LOVE green, it’s always been my least favourite colour, but when it’s next to pink or other brighter colours it looks perfect.


So here we go!

We are 5 Blythe dolls, customized by our mom, who also sews clothes for us.

I’m Amelia, I’m the middle sister. I was born a Very Vicky. I’m supposedly very aristocratic and a bit picky but the thing I love the most in life is having fun and brushing my hair. I was customized to look like mom, though she always says my nose is prettier than hers. We share passion for life, reading and sushi. I was a present from Daddy to her in 2012. He calls me Mini-Fran. I love the colour red, sleeping like a cat and having tea.


Then there’s Apple, an Enchanted Petal girl. She is a forest girl, loves the outdoors and animals and the colour green. Her hair is green, mom says she had trouble bonding with her because of her hair colour but now she loves it! She was her first Blythe and she got to her life as a bait doll. That means that her previous owner had dissembled her to customize her, but for some reason decided she wouldn’t. She was in pretty good shape but in pieces! After asking for advice and looking closely, she managed to put her back together, re open her, customize her completely (and succeeding, yay!) and making her look the way she is today. She’s been here since 2010.


Clarita is a Simply Vanilla. She is a little girl, loves to play with everyone! Her favourite colour is pink. She is a bit mischevious at times, but we think that Loki just loves to play pranks on everyone and she just follows. She also likes to play with the iPad. She was the first Blythe to be gifted to mom by dad, that’s when he decided we weren’t spooky!!! 


Cupcake is a Factory Blythe. That means she’s not a stock girl like the three of us. But she’s absolutely original. Sometimes we pick on her and call her franken-blythe, because of her origin. She has the most beautiful hair colour blend, she has a pink base with some lighter pink and also some lavender. It looks like a shade of mauve, but it’s really very very pretty. One day we’ll talk about her origins (or what we believe about them). She’s a cutie. Her favourite colour is teal. She loves (you guessed) cupcakes and sweet stuff. Her makeup was recently retouched, so this picture is from a few days ago. She has to have a proper photo-shoot (actually we all need one!!!!)

Cupcake custom #4 (factory)

Penny is a Simply Chocolate, she came as a Bait on september 2013. Her personality is a mystery, but we’ve been told she loves mystery and is very smart. She loves the colour red and walking a lot…

Penny custom #5 (Simply Chocolate)

Bonus track: Our cousin Rosette. She belongs to mom’s human daughter, she’s a Basaak customized to look like her mommy wanted. She’s a cute little girl, often seen doing “things” with Clarita and Loki. She loves ice cream and candy and singing. She was the first of us mom bought on the bay like a week before Apple made it to the house, she never thought she would get us all in so little time!!! Her mom tried to give her a hair cut… mom wants to reroot her with a new colour after this. She’s the only one of us who has teeth.


BTW, Loki is a Funko Pop! bobble head figure of mom’s favourite God of Mischief.